

Some random sketches i decided to paint. I just got a Cintiq for my grad gift:D Now its time to have fun.


Gabby Zapata said...

JEALOUSSS!! We're going to be using cintiqs at work soon! theyre apparently backordered for now. But hoorayyy for you!!

Y said...

these are wicked. I like the last (darkhair) one the best.

Lee Tao said...

Finally got the cintiq eh? I one one too =<, you should update twice as fast now that you've sped up your work process haha.

Unknown said...

heeey I got to see you drawing these :D

Raffael said...

Oh My Gosh! What program did u use to doodle? or u just using pencil then scanned it?
Because all of them are gorgeous! Absolutely wonderful! :D